Launching Your Lessons & Post Launch Support

After all of the content has been curated, it is time to launch your learning. Along side your website developers, the Burst Learning™ Team fully facilitates the launch of your learning program.

From quality assurance testing to managing your learners to setting up e-commerce for your course(s), we provide the team to launch your learning program online quickly and efficiently. Some options are detailed below.

We can create coupons and discount codes for your launch.

We can create 11 second to 3 minute videos for promotional purposes.

We can host initial live launches to your initial learner groups.

We can build e-workbooks and printable resources for learners.

We can evolve your core content for special interests to target more learners to extend your workshop or course to reach new audiences.

We can provide post launch technical and educational help desk support.

For the Burst Learning™ team we live by the notion that living is learning and to learn is to truly live. In the words of the artist and thinker Michelangelo spoken by him during his 87th year, “ANCORA IMPARO,” translated, this phrase is “STILL I LEARN.”